Anderson Lock recently hosted its Annual Meeting at the company’s Door Division in Schaumburg. Cortney Anderson Wascher, president, welcomed a record number of employees, and announced that 15 new employees had been hired in 2015. When she presented ’30 Year Service Awards’ to three department managers, John Didier, Brian Cassidy and Jim Riddle, she also noted that “Footloose” and “Ghostbusters” were popular movies in 1984, the year they joined the company. Three other managers, Dave Grothe, Laura Miller and Jim Walsh, were recognized for thirty-five years of service. Cortney noted, “There was a terrible blizzard in the Midwest in 1979. Many of you in this this room wouldn’t remember that because 25% of our current workforce wasn’t born yet! But that was also the year that these three company leaders joined Anderson Lock.”
“Application Spotlights” focused on customer projects from the past year, which detailed specific capabilities, and demonstrated our company’s expanding expertise. Areas of particular expansion included sales and installations of school security hardware, electronic access control locks and security systems, doors and frames for new and existing buildings, and technology, as it applies both to internal office uses and to products we represent.