one who celebrated his 40th anniversary,
another who just joined the company last month,
some who are members of Gene Anderson’s family,
five who are members of the Didier family,
many who are lock technicians,
some who are welders,
many who work at the main office in Des Plaines,
many who work at the Door Division in Schaumburg,
some who are part-time,
many who are full-time,
together represent over 1,000 years of experience in the door and frame / security hardware industry.
Anderson Lock is recognized by manufacturers, whose products we represent, for our knowledgeable, experienced, reliable and friendly employees.
And, almost all of them gathered together for the company’s recent annual meeting. After the president’s address, reports from department managers, service and “fun” awards were presented, the group enjoyed dinner.
Many stayed for karaoke…
some sang. Some even sang very well!