Cubs fans Brenda Asta, Rose Umana, Cortney Anderson Wascher, Allison Martinec and Kathi Frelk celebrate another “W” as Anderson Lock helps Wrigley Field prepare for World Series’ news coverage.
Cubs fever hit a high point at Anderson Lock yesterday when Jeff Stewart responded to a phone call request for eight doors, frames and security hardware for temporary press rooms for the World Series… to be delivered this morning!
The press rooms need to be ready, and, we hope, will need to be used!
Jeff, a big Cubs’ fan, has worked with the contractor on other Wrigley Field renovation projects. It didn’t take long for him to coordinate this rush order with our Door Division warehouse and delivery teams.
Anderson Lock has been “flying the W” on our electronic sign throughout the post season, with alternating messages of “Go Cubs” and “Let’s Lock-Up Another Series.”