Jacob Glaister was presented with the ‘Semper Fidelis’ Award in May. He’s also shown with his father, Jeffery, Anderson Lock’s Purchasing Manager.
Jacob Glaister, who started working part time after school and during summers at Anderson Lock the day after his sixteenth birthday, was presented with the prestigious “Semper Fidelis” Award for Musical Excellence by the United States Marines Youth Foundation and the Marine Corps League, “In Recognition of Diligence, Dedication and Musical Excellence as a Performing High School Bandsman and Soloist.”
Jacob’s father, Anderson Lock’s Purchasing Manager, Jeffery Glaister, joined Anderson Lock at age fifteen, through the Maine West High School Work Program. Both Glaisters started in the warehouse, helping with shipping / receiving and general maintenance.
The challenges Jacob faced last summer, as he helped set-up the “hardware room” at our new facility, were described in an essay that helped earn him a $1,000 Maine West Scholarship. The physical, and computer entry aspects, of our Door Division’s move from Schaumburg to Elk Grove, gave life experience to concepts he will study at Iowa State University, as an industrial engineering major, beginning in August.
In addition to his scholarship and the music department award, Jacob earned academic recognition in math, science, history and English. He served as treasurer of the National Honor Society, played on the school’s volleyball teams all four years, was a member of Orchesis for three years, and wrote opinions for the school newspaper. His favorite accolade? Probably when his senior class peers voted him “Best Role Model.”
Jacob played drums in the Maine West High School band and was a leader in the music department’s drumline. He founded the four-man rock band ‘To Move Mountains,’ which includes another Anderson Lock part time employee, Luke Slaughter, who plays bass.
Congratulations to 2017 Maine West High School graduates Jacob and Luke; and also to Joseph, son of Jim Didier, and Alayna, daughter of Lisa Kelley.