Door Division Collected Items, at left, Laura Miller with Main Office Collected Items, at right
Laura Miller, at Anderson Lock’s main office in Des Plaines, and Lauren Zannini, at our Door Division in Schaumburg, are both members of NAWIC [National Association of Women in Construction]. For the past month, the two ladies have led their building’s NAWIC Food Drive to collect donations which were added to the donations other chapter members collected to support food pantries, which typically receive less support at this time of year than at Thanksgiving or Christmas.
Laura explained that the “Food Fight” was a friendly competition between buildings, held for a couple of weeks preceding “WIC Week”, a week in March where each NAWIC chapter does something for a charity. The O’Hare Chapter selected a Wal-Mart in Palatine, “…where we stand at the entrance and hand out a flyer asking shoppers to pick up an item or two to donate on their way out. Then we stand at the exit with shopping baskets to collect the items. In the past two years that I have been a part, we have collected 7-8 baskets (whole car loads) of items to take to the local food pantries.”
During the “Food Fight,” collected items were counted daily, and reports were noted at each Anderson Lock building. When the clock ran out, the amount totals were nearly the same…so the food pantries were declared the winners!
Laura and Lauren thank their fellow employees for their generous donations, and noted that their NAWIC chapter’s Saturday collection filled two additional vans with food and other products to fill food pantry shelves.