OpenOptionsGirlimage006Open Options® Access Technology is now available at Anderson Lock. Their software and hardware products and services provide innovative security solutions that lead the way for the integration of physical and logical access control. Scot Sturges, Open Options Midwest Sales Manager, recently led a training meeting at Anderson Lock to introduce the high tech company and its products. Described as “user friendly” and “extremely dependable,” it is also designed to work with a wide range of existing access control locks, video surveillance cameras, visitor control management systems, and other security technologies.

Since 1960, Anderson Lock has earned respect from commercial and institutional customers by consistently providing quality products and services.  Healthcare and educational facilities now require complex security solutions that mechanical hardware products can no longer supply on their own. Because our company has integrated emerging technology with existing products ever since the first electric strikes, pushbutton locks and mag locks were introduced, our experience with electronic systems is reliable as well as economical.

We know the importance of “scalability” from our experience creating master key systems that can be expanded for years, with proper planning at the time of installation. We know, again from experience, the importance of easy data import to reduce the number of hours spent programming and commissioning new systems. Electronic monitoring is perhaps the fastest growing element of access control systems, so the ability to integrate cameras and card readers with existing technology is another area of expertise for both Anderson Lock’s access control team, and Open Options products.

WayPoint_OObrandWe all want to keep our kids safe in schools.   WayPoint™ Schools Is an Open Options product that does more than just manage visitors on campus.  WayPoint™ offers additional features that work with the Schools Interoperability Framework (SIF) to enhance security across many applications. Student Express provides a quick way to scan a late student’s ID, retrieve their current tardy record and print a tardy slip or take other appropriate action. Student Mobile operates on a handheld PDA and gives faculty an easy way to identify a student by photo and check against the student database for schedule information to ensure they are where they’re supposed to be. Contact us today to learn how we can help make your school more secure.

Steve Fisher, CEO / President of Open Options®, says, “Open Options stands behind our products, beside our customers, and ahead of our competition.”

Anderson Lock is proud to stand alongside Open Options®!

 Learn More:

To learn more about Open Options®, visit their website:, then call us at 847-824-2800 and ask to speak with one of our access control experts.