Like hour markers on the dial of a watch, the twelve Anderson Lock employees pictured here, symbolize Time.
The dozen happy faces are company colleagues who each have celebrated 30 Years of Service at Anderson Lock. Look closely: you’ll see a commemorative Rolex watch circling each outstretched forearm.
Kathi Frelk, at 10 o’clock, joined the exclusive ‘club’ at this year’s Annual Meeting. Rose Umana, at 3 o’clock, was lauded for 40 years of service. Randy Leonard, at 1 o’clock; Jim Walsh, at 4 o’clock; Laura Miller, at 5 o’clock; Brenda Asta, at 6 o’clock and Dave Grothe, at 11 o’clock, have all celebrated 40-Plus Years of Service! Others in the circle are John Didier, at 12 o’clock; Jim Riddle, at 2 o’clock; Jeffery Glaister, at 7 o’clock; Gary Ipsen, at 8 o’clock and Jim Didier, at 9 o’clock.
Owner and president, Cortney Anderson Wascher, also recognized and thanked Cindy Brennan for 25 years; Jamie Holtz and Tom Lavin for ten years; gave five year certificates to five others, and welcomed 13 new employees since last year’s annual meeting.
Employee loyalty, an increasingly rare company characteristic, is valued and rewarded at Anderson Lock. Founded by Gene Anderson in 1960, our total opening, sales and service company, still family-owned, employs 105 full and part-time people, at two locations.