Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Canoe who?
Canoe let me in?

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Adore who?
Adore is between us. Please let me in!

Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Iva who?
I’ve a sore hand from knocking!

Knock-knock jokes will likely never go away.

But knocking on doors to gain entry is as old fashioned as rotary dial telephones. And, speaking of telephone technology, it replaced knocking on entry doors of some multi-tenant residential buildings a long time ago. Now, the problem is, many tenants don’t have, or want, landline telephones. Seems everyone has a cell phone. Unfortunately, the old telephone door entry systems won’t work with wireless phones. So who do you call to replace an outdated landline telephone-based intercom system?

Who ya gonna call?
Call Anderson Lock!

Here are two photos of a recent Phone Entry System installed by Anderson Lock access control technicians. The tenant’s code is entered on the new keypad, and the system will dial any 10-digit number. The tenant doesn’t need to be at home to know that someone is seeking entry, and doesn’t need to be home to allow or permit entry. The intercom system is a hands-free speakerphone.

Anderson Lock’s access control capabilities encompass a wide range of electronic products and installation solutions. Our experienced estimators can design an access system to meet your needs, from stand-alone mechanical digital locks to web-based electronic security systems integrated with CCTV monitoring.

Pick up your phone and give us a call!

Keypad and Entry Intercom System on Glass Aluminum Door

Keypad and Entry Intercom System on Glass Aluminum Door


Other side of the door neatly hides entry system installation