Gene, Mike and Norm

Gene, Mike and Norm

Gene Anderson, the retired founder of Anderson Lock, shared stories and remembrances with Mike Didier at lunch today, and wished him well in his retirement. Gene’s brother, Norm, daughter, Cortney Anderson Wascher, and many longtime employees, joined them.

In 1971, Mike was the third non-family employee hired by the locksmith company, which was founded in 1960.

Mike learned locksmithing from Gene, and, in turn, trained many of the lock techs, (including his younger brothers Jim and John,) that still work for our company. He gained vast knowledge about locks and security door hardware through his years of experience. He also knew many of our customers and dealt with them on a personal basis. When he was named Service Manager, he remembered the types of hardware they had in their buildings and would answer, “Yes, we can do that!” when asked about replacements or repairs.

Cortney, president since 2007, thanked Mike for his 44 years of service, and wished him well in his new endeavors.