Kathi Frelk

“Anderson Lock is the most special place to work because it is truly a family,” remarked Kathi Frelk at her retirement party on Friday.

In 1991, Anderson Lock’s founder, Gene Anderson, brought Kathi on board to publish his first full-line catalog using only a basic Macintosh computer. In the last 33 years, Kathi’s knowledge of door hardware grew, as did her capabilities, leading her to turn a small internal newsletter into a quarterly Gazette, keep customers up to date with industry trends, and highlight company capabilities through creative blog posts.

Gene’s daughter, Cortney Anderson Wascher, President since 2007, thanked Kathi for 33 years of making Anderson Lock shine and for a lifetime of friendship.

Kathi’s legacy as “Queen of All Media” will continue to cascade through Anderson Lock for years. As Anderson Lock says goodbye to Kathi, we do so with appreciation for her talent, dedication, and attention to detail that have made Anderson Lock “look good” for the last three decades.

While her retirement may be bittersweet, we celebrate Kathi’s achievements and wish her the best of luck in her next chapter of life.